Mark Sanford: Because America MUST Hear From EVERY Adulterous Politician

America’s most famous hiker apparently got tired of Ensign and Gingrich hogging the headlines and decided to pipe up:

ThinkProgress recently spoke with former South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford about what effect the Republican plan to end Medicare will have. Sanford singled out the upcoming New York 26th congressional district special election as one that Republicans may lose because of the Ryan budget, and conceded that his party would likely take “some losses” elsewhere as well. Still, the former governor argued that Ryan’s budget was “pioneering,” which necessarily “will involve losses”.

This would suggest to me that the American people really DO NOT WANT the Ryan plan, while Sanford and the other inhabitants of GOP Bizarro World see losing as winning. As the Republicans are hellbent on sticking with this extremist, deeply unpopular nonsense, so when they lose seats as a result…don’t cry for them, Argentina.

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